01. Limo-Office
02. Club Arrival
03. Club Arrival ALT
04. Danny Clear
05. Chud Blows
06. Requiem Part 1
07. Britt;s New Burden
08. Bad Vibes
09. Making Coffee
10. Something Cool
11. Mugger
12. Kato Power
13. + 9
14. Heroes
15. One Stupid Thing
16. One Stupid Thing ALT
17. Britt Kato Office
18. Green Bee
19. Let;s Roll Kato
20. Building Montage Ending
21. Black Beauty Revealed
22. In The Hood
23. Kato Kicks Ass
24. Drug Dealer
25. Daniel Vertlieb
26. 3 Beauties
27. Jealousy
28. Positive Micro Management
29. Constantinople
30. Cement Mixer
31. Drowning
32. Split Montage
33. Let Me Run The Paper
34. Proposition
35. I Need You
36. Kato Laptop
37. Gonpachi Setup
38. Britt Puts It Together
39. Car Chase 2
40. Pressroom Chase
41. Pressroom Chase 2
42. Sentinel Showdown
43. Sentinel Showdown Part 2
44. An Army of Katos
45. Britt;s Power
46. Britt Kicks Ass
47. Bad Guys Killed
48. Sentinel Press Confrence
49. End Credits